how do men and women communicate differently?

  It has been said that men and women communicate differently. This claim has been backed up by research which has shown that there are indeed differences in the way that men and women communicate. The question is, how do these differences manifest themselves? One way in which men and women communicate differently is in the use of verbal and non-verbal communication. It has been shown that women are more likely to use non-verbal communication than men. This includes the use of body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Women also tend to use more verbal communication than men. This includes the use of more words, more questions and more self-disclosure. Another difference between the way men and women communicate is in the way they process information. Women have been shown to be better at multitasking than men and they are also better at taking in and processing emotional information. This means that women are more likely to be able to communicate effectively when there ...

The gender pay gap doesn't(and shouldn't)exist.

 I came into this thinking I would find out about how sexism is causing the gender pay gap and that company's should just PAY up, but what I found was the complete opposite

The gender pay gap is almost completely because of danger pay, children and psychological differences between sexes, danger pay is where you get paid more because your job has a higher risk of death than most jobs, if you think of a job like that (construction, mining, military even) you mostly think of men doing these jobs and that’s from your brains personal absorption of information around you. Kids is self explanatory, it is not completely fair that women have to choose kids over career but you can balance it, (my mother did) and to be honest we shouldn't care whether someone has kids or not because as long as they are happy and get a bit of leave.

less, and brain differences is because women tend to choose lower paying jobs because it fits there phycology, (not paying same pay same job is illegal in every western country) you could say that women get unfair bias towards promotions and pay raises but it is actually the opposite according to many different studies from multiple different countries. As for sport women get paid less because on average women’s physical abilities are worse because women do not produce much testosterone (on average not generalised lmao) causing the gameplay to be less exciting and consumers(and I’m talking to women too, yes watch the sport yourself) do tend to settle for best, causing women’s sport to get less sponsors thus making it much less plausible to pay women the same.
I am open to getting my opinions change to leave a comment or reply with some good information and I will try to unbiasedly assess it, just please don't be AGGRESSIVE about it. 🙏 thanks for hearing me out and I’m looking forward to a more positive world for everyone.


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